In a Spiritual Sense

E21: THE 1ST DIMENSION: From Unity to the Perception of Self

April 30, 2023 Host: Stacy Piagno Season 1 Episode 21
In a Spiritual Sense
E21: THE 1ST DIMENSION: From Unity to the Perception of Self
Show Notes

Have you ever wondered...What all can I become? How much can I expand? What all can I create? It is because of these initial thoughts that we are able to create and expand in the first place. And we as individual consciousness are just branches of the larger mass of consciousness that once shared this same thought. The thought that gave breath to our very existence. Today we will dive into the first dimension of unity, and discuss the concept of how we as a mass evolved from one single point- to live out as many different possibilities and experiences as possible. Only then, to one day contract back in. Bringing everything we learned back to our central point, and thus completing the breath of life.

Join me as we go inward. To the center of neutrality. To a time when nothingness first projected all that is. A time before time. Today we dive into The First Dimension.

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